Saturday, September 30, 2023

History of india Indus Valley

History of india Indus Valley Civilization history of india Meaning of Indus Valley Civilization - located in Montgomery district of East Punjab province of Pakistan about 70 years ago

The residents of Harappa probably did not even have the slightest idea that the bricks they were using so indiscriminately in their houses, were not ordinary bricks, but about 5000 years old and about 5000 years old. A fully developed history of India is the remnant of the Indus Valley.

They realized this when in 1856, the British Indian government started digging these ruins for the supply of bricks for the railway line from Karachi to Lahore. The first remains were found, which were named 'Harappan Civilization'.

Some scholars have called it by the name of Harappa and Mohenjodaro civilization. Harappa is located in the Montgomery district of western Punjab and Mohenjodaro is in the Larkana district of the Indus. In 1922, excavations were done at both these places under the chairmanship of Shri Rakhaldas Banerjee. Further, the objects found in the excavations led by John Marshall at this place,

history of india in hindi indus valley

The study has revealed such a civilization of India, which is about four thousand years before Christ, that is, much older than the Vedic civilization. Which were found in Harappa and Mohenjodaro. From this, it has been inferred that the civilization of the entire region of the Indus Valley was the same. Due to this, the civilization of the Indus Valley has also been called the name of Harappa and Mohenjodaro civilizations. This was a different decoration in the history of India in Hindi. Due to this there was some solid evidence of the history of our India year.

But in the history of India, most of the scholars in the Indus Valley have addressed it with the Indus Valley Civilization only. From the above description, we come to the conclusion that the Indus Valley Civilization refers to the civilization of those people who lived in the Indus River Valley about four thousand years before Christ, i.e. their social, religious, economic, cultural, and What was political life?

history of India's social life indus valley

The study of objects resulting from excavations at Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Amro, Chandudaro, and Jhukardaro throws the following light on the social life of the people of the Indus Valley.

Periodization of Indus Civilization by various scholars

3500–2700 BC

3250–2750 BC

2900 BC-1900 BC

2800-2500 BC

2500-1500 BC

9850–1700 BC

2500 BC-1750 BC

2000-1500 BC



john marshall


Ernest McKay

Maritime healer CJ gad

D.P. Agrawal

Fair service history of india in Hindi Indus Valley

History of India came to know by searching

ancient history of india since Harappa (Harappa) and Mohenjodaro (Mohenjodaro) have been discovered. Since then we came to know about the old times of India and the living conditions of the old people. How did they live, what was their civilization, what was the design of their cities, how they lived, how they treated each other. Which were the religions that he believed in? We came to know all this when we searched the history of India.

(1) City planning - town planning

history of india Indus Valley excavations have revealed that both Harappa and Mohenjodaro were huge cities. The construction of these cities was done according to a certain plan, the roads of the cities used to cross each other directly from north to south or from east to west.

In this way, the city was divided into many square or revenue parts by these roads. These roads used to be very wide. The major roads of the city have been found to be up to 100 feet wide, which clearly shows that many vehicles could pass on the roads at the same time. The lanes connecting the major roads were also very wide. For those which were at least wide, their width has also been found to be four feet. It is a matter of great importance that these roads are unpaved and no effort has been made to make them concrete.

(2) building construction

There were houses on both sides of the roads, which were built. These bricks were baked with wood. Most of the houses were two stories, but it is known from the thickness of the walls that the houses were made of more than two stories, stairs were made to go from the lower floor to the upper floor. The stairs have been found narrow, but some very wide and comfortable stairs have also been found. The doors of big houses were big. Some houses have so many doors that even chariots and bullock carts could pass through them.

history of india Such houses are still present in the Indus Valley. which corresponded to earlier houses. In whose rooms there were almirahs along with the walls. Some such things made of bones and conch have been found, from which it is known that there were pegs in the rooms, there was a complete arrangement of doors and windows in the houses. So that there is no shortage of air and light, a very important feature of these doors and windows was that they were made in the inner walls.

The walls that faced the public roads did not have doors and windows. There was a courtyard in the middle of the house, in which a kitchen was built in the corner. The kitchen stoves were made of bricks. Every house was required to have a bathroom. Water was kept in earthen pots in these baths. The floor of these baths was made of burnt bricks and great care was taken for its cleanliness. Toilets are also found near many bathrooms.

(3) Management of drains

They used to arrange drains for the dirty water of the city to go out. All the drains were made of burnt bricks. Mud mixed with lime was used to join the bricks. The narrower drains were covered with bricks and the wider drains were covered with stone pieces. Mud pipes were used to bring down the dirty water from the upper floor. Which is still present in the modern era of the History of India.

(4) Management of wells

In order to get water easily, the people of the Indus Valley used to arrange wells. Such wells have been found in the excavation, whose width is two feet to seven feet. In addition to public wells, which were made for the public, people used to make wells for their personal use in their houses. Although today in modern India this history of India has ended.

(5) Reservoir and bath

A huge reservoir has also been found in the excavation of Mohenjodaro. This reservoir is 39 feet long and 33 feet wide and 8 feet deep. It is made of burnt bricks and its walls are very strong. A baradari has been built around this reservoir, whose width is 15 feet. There are eight baths on the southwest side of the water tank. Rooms were built above these baths, in which the priests used to live. A well has also been found near the reservoir.

Probably the reservoir was filled with water from this well. Taps were made to fill and empty the reservoir. A building has been found near the reservoir, which was probably a hammam and in which there was a provision for heating water. Today we can call a store of water in the age of science from India after Gandhi in modern India.

(6) Management of the security of the city-

Like in today's time, our soldiers protect our country on the border. Similarly, to keep their cities safe from enemies, they used to arrange ditches and walls around the city. This boundary wall also served as a possible fort.

(7) Organization of society

history of india The Mohenjodaro excavations of the Indus Valley reveal that the society of the people of the Indus Ghats was divided into four classes. The first class was of scholars, in which priests, doctors, and astrologers used to come. Warriors came in the second class, whose duty was to protect society. Business people came in the third class. These people used to do different types of industries. Domestic servants and laborers came in the fourth class.

(8) food and catering

Wheat, barley, rice, date palm seeds, etc. have been found in the excavation, from which it is known that the people of Indus Valley must have been eating these things. In the excavation, some unwashed bones have also been found peeled; From which it has been inferred that these people used to use fish, meat, eggs etc. These people also used fruits, milk, and vegetables. (5) Dress- The residents of the Indus Valley used to keep short beards and mustaches. But some people also used to twist them. Some people's hair was short and some people's hair was long, they used to tie braids.

These people used to comb their hair and keep turning back. The people of the Indus Valley wore both woolen and cotton clothes. He used to wear simple clothes. The excavation has found a statue of a man in which he is wearing a shawl. The shawl goes over the bike and under the right armpit.

Scholars estimate that it must have had two main garments – one to cover the lower part of the body and the other to cover the upper part. Excavations at Harappa show that women used to wear a special type of cloth on the head which was raised like a fan towards the back of the head. It seems that there was no special difference between the clothes of women and men. The people of the Indus Valley also used different types of ornaments. a hindi story of a mother and son

History of India Conclusion

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Monday, September 11, 2023

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जेसीबी मशीन कंपनी इंडिया में पहले बल्लभगढ़ फरीदाबाद में हुआ करती थी ‌। लेकिन अब राजस्थान की जयपुर सिटी में JCB का नया प्लांट लग गया है वहीं से अब इसकी assembled है ‌। हालांकि कुछ काम अभी भी बल्लमगढ़ में हो रहा है, लेकिन प्लांट अब जयपुर को ही माना जाता है। 

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जेसीबी की फुल फॉर्म यह एक अचूक पहली है। और लोग इसको काफी ज्यादा जानने भी चाहते हैं कि जेसीबी का फुल फॉर्म क्या है यानी जेसीबी का नाम क्या है। jcb इसका शार्ट नाम है।  jcb का नाम से जानने से पहले हमें ये जानना जरूरी है के jcb किया है।

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और इस काम में हमें 10 मजदूर, 15 मजदूर, 20 मजदूर, 50 मर्दों हजार मजदूर, इस तरह से हम अपने काम को क्या करते थे। यानी हमें ज्यादा इंसानों की जरूरत पड़ती थी, लेकिन जब जेसीबी बनी तब से हम इंसानों का काम आसान हो गया है. एक तो हमारा टाइम बच जाता है ऊपर से वह काम जल्दी भी हो जाता है। 
पहले जिस काम को हमें करने के लिए एक महीना लगता था अब वह काम सिर्फ चंद घंटों में ही हो जाता है और शायद उससे हमारे पैसे भी कुछ बचत में होते हैं। इसी definition से जेसीबी का designed किया गया था। के jcb kiya hai मैं उम्मीद करता हूं समझ गए होंगे आप भी।  jcb kiya hai  अभी यहां से आ गए हम आपको बताएंगे कि  jcb full form क्या है। 

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jcb full form नाम जाने से पहले यह भी जानना जरूरी है कि इसको कब बनाया गया था। अब यह तो जान गए क्या इसका बनाने का मकसद क्या था। और यह भी आप समझ गए कि जेसीबी क्या है।  लेकिन आपको यह भी जानना जरूरी है कि जेसीबी की शुरुआत किस सन में हुई थी।  यानी जिसको हम कह के यह इसका जन्मदिन यानी जिस दिन पैदा हुई थी. 
जोसेफ सिरिल बैमफोर्ड एक्सकेवेटर्स लिमिटेड की स्थापना जो सि बैमफोर्ड ने अक्टूबर 1945 में उत्टोक्सेटर, स्टैफोर्डशायर, इंग्लैंड में की थी। उन्होंने 3.7 गुणा 4.6 मीटर (12 गुणा 15 फीट) का एक लॉक-अप गैरेज किराए पर लिया। इसमें, एक वेल्डिंग सेट का उपयोग करके, जिसे उन्होंने इंग्लिश इलेक्ट्रिक से £2-10s (= £2.50) में सेकेंड-हैंड खरीदा था। 

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Jcb का पूरा नाम Josephy Cyril Bamford है. JCB का यह नाम इसके संस्थापक Joseph Cyril Bamford से मिला है. ये तीन नाम ही इसके बनाने वाले हैं जिनके नाम से "जोसेफ सिरिल बैमफोर्ड" jcb को जाना जाता है।  jcb इसका नाम इसलिए रखा गया था "जोसेफ सिरिल बैमफोर्ड" कोई भी ये नाम याद नहीं रख पाता। 
जोसेफ सिरिल बैमफोर्ड JCB एक मशीन बनाने वाली बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी है. जिसका मुख्यालय Rocester, Staffordshire, United Kingdom में है. यह लगभग 300 प्रकार की मशीनें बनाती है.मुख्यत: यह भारी निर्माण कार्यों में इस्तेमाल होने वाली मशीनें बनाती है. और इस कार्य में इसका दुनिया में तीसरा स्थान है.


अगर आपको हमारी jcb full form, jcb ki full form, किसी लगी ये हमें कॉमेंट में जरूर बताये।  में ऐसी ही जानकारी लेकर आता हूँ।  जैसे jio ki full form किया है, आप क्या बनना चाहते हैं, आपका निर्णय आपका भविष्य। 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Affiliate marketing ek aisa vyavsayik upkaran


Affiliate marketing ek aisa vyavsayik upkaran hai jo aapke vyapar ko nee uchaiyon tak pahuncha sakta hai. Yadi aap bhi janana chahte hain ki affiliate marketing kya hai aur iska upayog kaise kiya ja sakta hai, to yeh lekh aapke liye hai. Isme hum affiliate marketing ke bare mein vibhinn pahluon par gahri jankari pradan karenge aur aapko batayenge ki isse judkar aap kis tarah se online duniya mein safalta pa sakte hain.

Affiliate Marketing: Arth aur Vyavastha

Affiliate marketing ek aisi prakriya hai jisme vyapari (affiliate) ek vyaparik sanstha (merchant) ke saath samjhauta karta hai. Is samjhauta ke tahat, vyapari ko sanstha ke utpadan ya sevaon ko pracharit karne aur bechne ke liye unke dvara di gayi vyavastha ka istemal karne ki anumati milti hai. Vyapari isse prapt vyavastha ke hisse ke roop mein dhanarashi prapt karta hai, jo uske dwara ki gayi bikri ke prati ek nishchit commission ke rup mein hoti hai.

Is prakar, affiliate marketing ek prakriya hai jisme vyapari aur vyaparik sanstha ek sath kaam karte hain aur vyapari ke dvara ki gayi prachar evam bikri se sanstha ko fayda hota hai. Vyapari ko pracharit karne ke liye alag-alag tariko ka istemal karne ka avsar milta hai, jaise ki website par banner ads, samagri likhkar, ya social media par prachar. Jab vyavastha ke utpadan ya sevaon ko vyapari ke dvara ki gayi prachar se bikti hai, to vyapari ko commission milta hai.

Affiliate Marketing Kaise Kaam Karta Hai

Affiliate marketing ke kaam karne ka prakriya kuch is tarah hota hai:

1. Vyapari Ke Liye Prachar

Vyapari apni sanstha ke utpadan ya sevaon ko pracharit karne ke liye vyapariyon ko anurodh karta hai. Is prachar ke liye vyapari apne affiliate program ko prashansa patra, banner ads, aur doosre pracharik sadhanon ke roop mein pradan karta hai.

2. Vyapari Ke Dvara Prachar Kiye Jane Vale Links

Jab vyapariyon ko pracharit karne ke liye sanstha dvara diye gaye links ka istemal kiya jata hai, to un links par ek vishesh code hota hai, jise tracking code ke roop mein jana jata hai. Is code ke madhyam se vyapari sanstha ko ye pata lagata hai ki kaun-kaun se vyapari unke utpadon ya sevaon ka prachar kar rahe hain.

3. Bikri Ke Prati Commission

Jab vyapariyon ke dvara prachar ki gayi sanstha ke utpadan ya sevaon ki bikri hoti hai, to vyapari ko uske dwara di gayi commission milti hai. Commission ki rakam vyavastha dvara tay ki jati hai, aur vyapariyon ko prati bikri par us commission ki bhugtan hoti hai.

Affiliate Marketing Ke Labh

Affiliate marketing ke kai labh hain, jo ise ek prakar se vyavsayik duniya mein mahatvapurn banate hain:

1. Low Investment

Affiliate marketing mein vyapari ko adhik nivesh karne ki avashyakata nahin hoti hai. Vyapari sirf sanstha ke utpadan ya sevaon ka prachar karta hai aur commission prapt karta hai.

2. Vyapari Ka Samay

Vyapari apne samay ka niyamit roop se vyapar ki oradh mein laga sakta hai, aur is prakar se samay ki bachat kar sakta hai.

3. Badhate Hue Vyavsayik Avasar

Affiliate marketing mein vyapari apne vyavsayik avasar ko badha sakte hain aur naye vyaparik sansthaon ke sath judkar adhik commission kama sakte hain.


Is prakar, affiliate marketing ek aise vyavsayik upkaran hai jo vyapariyon ko online duniya mein safalta pane ka ek naya raasta pradan karta hai. Isme kam nivesh aur adhik labh hote hain, jo vyapariyon ke liye akarshan karne wale hain. Agar aap bhi vyaparik duniya mein kadam rakhte hain, to affiliate marketing ko apne vyapar ka ek mahatvapurn hissa banakar apni safalta ko paa sakte hain.

Is prakar se affiliate marketing kya hai, iske labh aur kaise kaam karta hai, yeh sab aapko is lekh mein bataya gaya. Is upkaran ka sahi istemal karke aap bhi apne vyapar mein vridhi kar sakte hain aur online duniya mein safalta pa sakte hain.

Agar aapko adhik jankari chahiye ya affiliate marketing mein prarambh karne mein madad chahiye, to hame sampark karein. Ham aapko sahayata karne ke liye yahaan hain. babar history

Agar aap apni Website par traffic badhana chahte hain to bas The Insider's Views par jayein aur adhik jankari prapt karein.



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Hello, I am Nasir Buchiya. I am a history writer. Ancient Indian History, Gurjar Gotra, Rajputana History, Mewat History, New India etc.,

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